Welcome to Calisthenics Connect!

We are Calisthenics Connect, a student fitness org at UT. Our goal is to make fitness simple and accessible for everyone. That way, you'll be able to build strength and master your bodyweight! Using 3 basic principles of bodyweight training—Nutrition, Mobility conditioning, and Strength training, you'll learn skills like the muscleup, human flag, handstand pushup, and much more!

Fall 24: New Member Interest Form!

Skills & Statics

Skills like the one-arm pullup, handstand, and muscleup make up a fundamental part of Calisthenics. They are challenging yet rewarding skills that can be achieved with diligent training. Among many skills, here are three of the most common.

Elbow Lever (Beginner), a static skill that utilizes the elbows for assistance and balance

Front Lever (Intermediate), Demands serious pulling power and relative strength

Full Planche (Advanced), A hallmark of calisthenics strength. Training length can take as long as 3-4 years without an effective program.

Training Styles

Skill focused calisthenics is a popular branch of calisthenics training. Yet many other forms of training exist as well.

Power Calisthenics, the powerlifting equivalent of calisthenics. Typically measures the max amount of weight athletes can lift in the pullup, dip, muscleup, and sometimes squats.

Freestyle Calisthenics, similar to skill calisthenics with emphasis on dynamic movements and creative move combinations.

Extreme Volume, an uncommon branch of calisthenics training. Builds immense work capacity and muscle endurance.

General Fitness, most people will start out to improve their general strength, muscle size, and work capacity. Having a target goal such as a certain amount of reps can motivate you to reach those goals.

Why Calisthenics?

  • Workouts anywhere and anytime based on your schedule.

  • Minimalistic sport that utilizes your bodyweight to build functional strength.

  • Simple/beginner-friendly exercises all the way to advanced static skills.

Nutrition & Conditioning

Regardless of fitness experience or background, proper nutrition and good joint conditioning play critical role in strength development. At Calisthenics Connect we teach how to:

  • Pick healthy and nutritious foods.

  • Track and balance macronutrients—carbs, fats, and proteins.

  • Warmup and condition your joints for challenging Calisthenics movements.

  • Train intelligently as to avoid joint and muscle injuries.

Events & Activities

- We host workshops to teach new skills and techniques. These presentations will be paired with core strength training and conditioning principles.
- Additionally, we have a discord server where you can better connect with other calisthenics athletes, and receive training/workout related advice.


New Member Interest Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScv7EMj7tOnGlX8EJ-1cmL7xpoA0Uo3JhHir5wRrA05BoA4Xg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Join our Discord at: https://discord.gg/btKa8QK9EP
Instagram: @CalisthenicsConnect.atx
Email: [email protected]